Question Bank

Find the correctly spelt words.

  1. Pessenger
  2. Pesanger
  3. Pasanger
  4. Passenger

Correct Answer : 4

Make a meaningful sentence. 1. I 2. immediately 3. salary 4. my 5. want

  1. 42351
  2. 15432
  3. 43152
  4. 25143

Correct Answer : 2

Make a meaningful sentence: 1. do 2. today 3. you 4. must 5. it

  1. 12543
  2. 51324
  3. 25413
  4. 34152

Correct Answer : 4

Make a meaningful sentence: 1. left 2. the 3. house 4. he 5. suddenly

  1. 45123
  2. 52341
  3. 21354
  4. 12435

Correct Answer : 1

When he P : did not know Q : he was nervous and R : heard the hue and cry at midnight S : what to do The Proper sequence should be:

  1. RQPS
  2. PQRS
  3. SQPR
  4. QSPR

Correct Answer : 1

It has been established that P : Einstein was Q : although a great scientist R : weak in arithmetic S : right from his school days The Proper sequence should be:

  1. QPRS
  2. RQPS
  3. SRPQ
  4. QPSR

Correct Answer : 1

I read an advertisement that said P : posh, air-conditioned Q : a gentleman of taste R : are available for S : fully furnished rooms The Proper sequence should be:

  1. SRPQ
  2. PSQR
  3. PQRS
  4. PSRQ

Correct Answer : 4

Since the beginning of history P : have managed to catch Q : the Eskimos and Red Indians R : by a very difficult method S : a few specimens of this aquatic animal The Proper sequence should be:

  1. QPSR
  2. SQPR
  3. QRPS
  4. SQRP

Correct Answer : 1

In which of the following languages was the Ghadar Journal first published?

  1. Sanskrit
  2. English
  3. Urdu
  4. Punjabi

Correct Answer : 3

Who among the following is known as the “Saint of Dakhineshwar”?

  1. Saint Tikaram
  2. Ramkrishna Paramahansa
  3. Swami Vivekananda
  4. Swami Dayanand Saraswati

Correct Answer : 2

Who among the following started the newspaper “Amrit Bazar Patrika”?

  1. Lala Jagat Narayan
  2. Dayanand Saraswati
  3. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
  4. Shishir Kumar Ghosh

Correct Answer : 4

What was the key objective of Gandhiji’s Champaran movement?

  1. Solving the problem of the indigo workers
  2. Maintaining the unity of Hindu society
  3. The security of rights of Harijans
  4. Civil disobedience movement

Correct Answer : 1

Tinkathia System is associated to:

  1. Bardoli Satyagraha
  2. Moplah Rebellion
  3. Champaran Satyagraha
  4. Kheda Satyagraha

Correct Answer : 3

In which of the following years did Vasco da Gama discovered the sea route to India?

  1. 1498
  2. 1494
  3. 1496
  4. 1490

Correct Answer : 1

The Portuguese build their first fortress in India at which of the following places?

  1. Cannanore
  2. Anjidiv
  3. Goa
  4. Cochin

Correct Answer : 4