Question Bank

Which acid is produced when milk gets sour?

  1. Tartaric acid
  2. Butyric acid
  3. Acetic acid
  4. Lactic acid

Correct Answer : 4

Alpha-Keratin is a protein present in:

  1. Wool
  2. Eggs
  3. Blood
  4. Skin

Correct Answer : 1

The purest form of iron is?

  1. Pig iron
  2. Steel
  3. Wrought iron
  4. Cast iron

Correct Answer : 3

The word used to describe the shape of the earth is?

  1. Circle
  2. Oblate Spheroid
  3. Flat
  4. Sphere

Correct Answer : 2

The Indian constitution closely follows the constitutional system of?

  1. USA
  2. UK
  3. Germany
  4. Ireland

Correct Answer : 2

The hydraulic jack to lift heavy vehicles in automobile service stations is one of the applications of:

  1. Pascal's law
  2. Boyle's law
  3. Archimedes principle
  4. Hooke's law

Correct Answer : 1

The aneroid barometer uses:

  1. Mercury
  2. Distilled water
  3. Alcohol
  4. does not use any liquid

Correct Answer : 4

Laughing gas is

  1. Nitric oxide
  2. Nitrogen pentoxide
  3. Nitrogen peroxide
  4. Nitrous oxide

Correct Answer : 4

In photography, the compound used is:

  1. Potassium nitrate
  2. Ammonium nitrate
  3. Silver nitrate
  4. Ammonium bicarbonate

Correct Answer : 3

CAN (Calcium Ammonium Nitrate) is used as:

  1. Explosive
  2. Fertilizer
  3. Dye
  4. Bleaching agent

Correct Answer : 2

Galvanization is the process of applying a protective coating of :

  1. Zinc over iron
  2. Iron over zinc
  3. Copper over silver
  4. Silver over gold

Correct Answer : 1

An essential condition for rusting is:

  1. High temperature
  2. light
  3. Moisture
  4. Dry air

Correct Answer : 3

Deficiency of Iron causes:

  1. Nervous disorder
  2. Anaemia
  3. Heart disease
  4. Impairment of vision

Correct Answer : 2

Calamine is an ore of:

  1. Tin
  2. Zinc
  3. Magnesium
  4. Copper

Correct Answer : 2

Vitamin D deficiency leads to:

  1. Sterility
  2. Capillary fragility
  3. Rickets
  4. Pellagra

Correct Answer : 3