Question Bank

What is the area of a triangle with base 5 meters and height 10 meters?

  1. 40 square meters
  2. 35 square meters
  3. 20 square meters
  4. 25 square meters

Correct Answer : 4

A: B: C are in the ratio of 3: 2: 5. How much money will C get out of Rs 1260?

  1. Rs 630
  2. Rs 530
  3. Rs 378
  4. Rs 252

Correct Answer : 1

What is the probability of getting an even number when a dice is rolled?

  1. 1/4
  2. 1/2
  3. 1/5
  4. 1/3

Correct Answer : 2

If 15 men can reap the crops of a field in 28 days, in how many days will 5 men reap it?

  1. 9.333 days
  2. 50 days
  3. 60 days
  4. 84 days

Correct Answer : 4

If 30% of a certain number is 12.6 so what is the number?

  1. 42
  2. 24
  3. 32
  4. 45

Correct Answer : 1

A shopkeeper sold an article for Rs. 2500. If the cost price of the article is 2000, find the profit percent?

  1. 25%
  2. 24%
  3. 27%
  4. 30%

Correct Answer : 1

If in a certain language, MUMBAI is coded as NVNCBJ, how is KARNATAKA coded in that language?


Correct Answer : 1

Arrange the following words in a meaningful sequence. 1. Infection 2. Consultation 3. Doctor 4. Treatment 5. Recovery

  1. 1,2,3,4,5
  2. 1,3,4,5,2
  3. 1,3,2,4,5
  4. 3,2,1,4,5

Correct Answer : 3

RQP, ONM, _, IHG, FED, find the missing letters.

  1. VUT
  2. LKJ
  3. CBA
  4. LJI

Correct Answer : 2

Which number should come next in the series, 48, 24, 12, ......?

  1. 8
  2. 2
  3. 6
  4. 4

Correct Answer : 3

Find the missing letter of the series CKDL, EKFL, GKHL,__, KKLL?

  1. IKJL
  2. ILJM
  3. IJKL
  4. ILKJ

Correct Answer : 1

Find the missing letters in the series, BKK, DMM, FOO, __ , JSS ?

  1. HQQ
  2. HLL
  3. HTT
  4. HRR

Correct Answer : 1

Which among the following articles helped the Madarsas in India to remain out of purview of the Right to Education Act?

  1. Article 30
  2. Article 28
  3. Article 29
  4. Article 27

Correct Answer : 1

For which of the following purpose, Rajamanar Committee was constituted ?

  1. Indirect taxes
  2. Centre-State Fiscal Relations
  3. Industrial Licensing
  4. Direct taxes

Correct Answer : 2

Who among the following headed the Union powers Committee of the Constituent Assembly?

  1. Dr. B R Ambedkar
  2. H C Mukherjee
  3. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
  4. Jawahar Lal Nehru

Correct Answer : 4