Question Bank

In which of the following islands of India is an active volcano found?

  1. Car Nicobar Island
  2. Maya Bunder Island
  3. Barren Island
  4. Nancowry island

Correct Answer : 3

Which one of the following is the oldest mountain range in India?

  1. Aravali
  2. Satpura
  3. Nilgiri
  4. himalayas

Correct Answer : 1

Which one of the following lakes in India has the highest water salinity?

  1. Dal lake
  2. Sambhar lake
  3. Chilika lake
  4. Wular lake

Correct Answer : 2

In which of the following state is the Kakrapar Nuclear Power station located?

  1. Gujarat
  2. Tamil Nadu
  3. Karnataka
  4. Maharashtra

Correct Answer : 1

In which of the following states is the Ranganathittu bird sanctuary located?

  1. Tamil Nadu
  2. Andhra Pradesh
  3. Kerela
  4. Karnataka

Correct Answer : 4

Rihand Valley Project is located in which one of the following states?

  1. Odisha
  2. Himachal Pradesh
  3. Uttar Pradesh
  4. Gujarat

Correct Answer : 3

In which one of the following places is the headquarters of North-Eastern Railway located?

  1. Guwahati
  2. Bhubaneshwar
  3. Kolkata
  4. Gorakhpur

Correct Answer : 4

The Cripps Mission visited India during the regime of :

  1. Lord Linlithgow
  2. Lord Wavell
  3. Lord Wellington
  4. Lord Mountbatten

Correct Answer : 1

Who wrote 'Ashtadhyayi' the earliest existing grammar of Sanskrit?

  1. Patanjali
  2. Kalidas
  3. Panini
  4. Banabhatta

Correct Answer : 3

The group of stars arranged in a definite pattern is called?

  1. Milky way
  2. Solar system
  3. Andromeda
  4. Constellation

Correct Answer : 4

Ohm's Law defines:

  1. Resistance
  2. Voltage
  3. Capicitance
  4. Current

Correct Answer : 1

Which one of the following crosses the equator twice?

  1. Congo River
  2. Nile River
  3. Amazon River
  4. Niger River

Correct Answer : 1

The Adam's Bridge begins from:

  1. Pamban
  2. Mandapam
  3. Dhanuskodi
  4. Rameswaram

Correct Answer : 3

Which is the smallest unit of classification :

  1. Family
  2. Phylum
  3. Order
  4. Species

Correct Answer : 4

Five kingdom system of classification was given by:

  1. R.H.Whittaker
  2. Carolus Linnaeus
  3. Ernst Haeckel
  4. Herbert F. Copeland

Correct Answer : 1