Question Bank

What is the relation between Time period and Frequency in case of uniform circular motion?

  1. Equal to each other
  2. Reciprocal to each other
  3. No relation between them
  4. Time period is one half of the Frequency

Correct Answer : 2

Which of these is the force required to move a body uniformly in a circle?

  1. Centrifugal force
  2. Centripetal force
  3. Kinetic force
  4. None of the above

Correct Answer : 2

What is the apparent weight of the person when the elevator is accelerating downwards?

  1. equal to the actual weight
  2. greater than the actual weight
  3. less than the actual weight
  4. 0

Correct Answer : 3

Work done is defined as the dot product of which of the following vectors?

  1. Force and acceleration
  2. Force and area
  3. Force and instantaneous velocity
  4. Force and displacement

Correct Answer : 4

What is the theme of World Refugee Day 2020?

  1. Every action counts
  2. Making the new world
  3. A step towards making refugees safe
  4. Let's come together to save refugees

Correct Answer : 1

which among the following mission has been launched to provide all households in rural India safe and adequate water through individual household tap connections by 2024 .

  1. Jal Jeevan
  2. Ghar Ghar Paani
  3. Har Ghar Paani
  4. Jal Hi Jeevan Hai

Correct Answer : 1

How much water is to be provided per day under Jal Jeevan Mission?

  1. 57 litres
  2. 50 litres
  3. 55 litres
  4. 45 litres

Correct Answer : 3

How much water is to be provided per day under Jal Jeevan Mission?

  1. 57 litres
  2. 50 litres
  3. 55 litres
  4. 45 litres

Correct Answer : 3

Select the example of application software of computer:

  1. MS Word
  2. MS Excel
  3. Both A & B
  4. MS DOS

Correct Answer : 3

'OS' computer abbreviation usually means ?

  1. Order of Significance
  2. Open Software
  3. Operating System
  4. Optical Sensor

Correct Answer : 3

Which of the article deals with the grants in aid by the Union government to the states?

  1. Article 265
  2. Article 275
  3. Article 280
  4. Article 270

Correct Answer : 2

Telnet is a...

  1. Protocol
  2. Search engine
  3. Browser
  4. Gateway

Correct Answer : 1

Junk e-mail is called?

  1. Sniffer script
  2. Spoof
  3. Spool
  4. Spam

Correct Answer : 4

The first computer virus is called?

  1. The famous
  2. Creeper
  3. Brain
  4. Cracker

Correct Answer : 2

Which of the following is an example of binary number?

  1. 6AH1
  2. AB01D
  3. 100101
  4. 005

Correct Answer : 3